Gifts from a walk in the city

Its final - the pandemic has made me a tourist in this city I like to call home. After an annoyingly busy #WFH day -a phrase the next generation will have come learned from its mother's womb -, in the middle of humid April in Bombay, I am going for a walk today. Once the... Continue Reading →

A middle-aged woman draped in a paithani Maharashtrian saree matching the colour of her paan stained teeth, jumped in on the train even before it had barely stopped just like the locals and comfortably placed herself next to me with a loud thud that did not sound very comfortable. Settling down on the seat like... Continue Reading →

A graceful man

A yellow striped cotton 'taant' sari worn in perfect pleats around a slim waist, paired with elbow length deep cut green blouse and layered haircut with dark brown highlights - she looked gorgeous, even from the back. Carrying a leather file, she could have been any other office-going young woman in an afternoon train in... Continue Reading →


The train left the last station before the sea. A few inches shy of five feet, she tiptoed to throw in a basket of white fragrant flowers like a frisbee that instinctively landed on the empty, steel blue seat. Its hard to sense her presence in the near empty compartment as gurgling grey waves down... Continue Reading →

Withers away

via Daily Prompt: Fret But, in a big city  I am surprised at how things wither away. How friendships fade, people once your fellow commanders prefer to keep you at arm's length and how people you would daily speak to would no longer see your messages sent half a month ago. And then what happens... Continue Reading →

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